You probably already know about the ground-breaking E-Z Pin System of Clarion Bathware (and if you don't, check it out here, and you probably already know about the strength of Clarion Bathware's AcrylX (and if you don't, check it out here, and you probably ALSO already know that Clarion Bathware is USA made (and if you didn't- well- you know the drill

BUT I'll bet you didn't know about the new Clarion Bathware ADA Shower Base. This shower base puts all others to shame. It's not only barrier free (for ease of access), but also it has a slip resistant floor, AND as an added bonus it's made with AcrylX.

For all of you contractors out there looking for specifications, we've got ya covered. The new 38" x 38" Barrier-Free ADA Shower Base w/ 3/4" Threshold (SP3838BF34), features a water migration channel, and a floor nailing flange. So, it's easy to install, and you don't have to worry about problems popping up later due to poor drainage.
This ADA Shower Base is available in Bone, White, and Biscuit. It complies with NAHB, HUD UM-73A, & ANSI-Z124.1.2. Just like all of the Clarion Bathware Products, it has a 30 year warranty! Wow!
Check out the products spec sheet here :
Remember: Do not use abrasive cleaners on Clarion Products!
Buy a Clarion Bathware Barrier-Free ADA Shower Base, by contacting your local John Stack Sales representative today! Visit Our Team page for more information.
