Back at it again, giving pharmaceutical companies all over the world a run for their money, Mill-Rose/Blue Monster releases the "Power Shot". Erm... Um.. I mean, it's not a pharmaceutical product, but the government might as well mandate that everyone has this one too!

The new Blue Monster® Power-Deuce Power Tube/Fitting Brush Tool, has not one, BUT TWO brushes in one convenient tool! The power-deuce is a multi-function brushing tool, used to clean the inside of copper tubing, or the outside. What will you do with all of the time you save??
For your convenience, Blue Monster has released a video on how to properly use this new tool as well. Check it out here:
That's all we have for today! We'll be back soon with another CDC, oops wrong acronym, I mean- HVAC updates, soon!
**Disclaimer: The New Blue Monster Power Shot does NOT replace the COVID vaccine, but you definitely should still get it.
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